The picture shows the delivery of PERI components to a construction site.

Accessori per casseforme e per il cantiere

Accessori intelligenti e di alta qualità per il tuo cantiere.

I nostri accessori sono compatibili con la nostra gamma di prodotti e supportano diverse applicazioni, migliorando la sicurezza e la velocità di assemblaggio dei nostri sistemi di casseforme e ponteggi.
Dal trasporto e sollevamento del materiale all'impermeabilizzazione delle strutture in calcestruzzo, dalle protezioni anticaduta alle soluzioni per il sostegno dei solai, i nostri accessori ti aiutano ad ottimizzare i tuoi processi di costruzione.

Scopri sotto una selezione di prodotti del nostro catalogo.

Powder coated
Reduced cutting and working of materials on site
Low safety risks – simple tools and low weights
Available in different configurations
Fix – for frequent use with common dimensions, available in wall sizes 20, 24 and 25cm

Cassaforma per riservazioni porte e finestre

Cassaforma per aperture riutilizzabile per rapida casseratura e disarmo di porte, finestre e anche piccole nicchie.

Esplora tutti gli accessori

The simplest way to achieve continuity of reinforcement between pours.
CEMflex is the most tested solution for waterproofing concrete structures and can be easily fit into place with a clip.
Powder coated
Reduced cutting and working of materials on site
Low safety risks – simple tools and low weights
Available in different configurations
Fix – for frequent use with common dimensions, available in wall sizes 20, 24 and 25cm
PERI Clean, PERI Bio Clean and PERI Plasto Clean - Concrete release agent for all formwork and equipment
The MXK Bracket System provides high level of safety whilst requiring little installation effort. The lightweight system components are manually-assembled on the ground.
PERI tie systems: The DK and SK tie systems serve to ensure subsequent, reliable sealing of tie points.
The cost-effective solid web girder
VT 20
RS Push-Pull Props: A complete programme, can be telescoped to reach a length of 14.00 m
GT 24 Schalungsträger: The versatile lattice girder with high load-bearing capacity
The tubular steel prop for daily use on construction sites
MULTIPROP Aluminium Slab Props: Used as a cost-saving lightweight individual prop and cost-effective shoring tower
The galvanized tubular steel slab prop with up to 50 kN load-bearing capacity
Temporary edge protection for your projects.
Table Striking and Transportation Trolley: Easy and simple moving of slab tables
Scaffolding transportation system